Conference Programme


Initial preliminary conference program*

15 May 2024 – DAY 1

Official opening of the conference and keynote speakers
  • Piotr Tompalski (Canadian Forest Service) – The Role of Remote Sensing in Advancing Canada's Forest Management and Monitoring
  • Laxmi Thapa (International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Student Consortium) – Exploring the Frontiers of Geospatial Technologies and Networking: Unveiling the Benefits through ISPRS SC
Coffee break
Session: Forest/City (presentation time 20 min)
  • Saverio Francini (University of Florence) – Remote Sensing and ground data integration for forest disturbance and attributes mapping
  • Paweł Hawryło (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Modelling annual basal area increment of Scots pine stands using tree ring cores and multisource remote sensing data
  • Janis Ivanovs (Latvian State Forest Research Institute Silava) – The influence of forest tree species composition on the forest height predicted from airborne laser scanning data
  • Markus Münzinger (Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development (IOER)) – Advancing Urban Forest Management to the Third Dimension: Integrating High-Resolution Mapping and Ecosystem Service Assessment
  • Benjamin Stöckigt (Luftbild Umwelt Planung GmbH / Freie Universität Berlin) – Modeling Vegetation Indicators in Urban Areas using Sentinel-2 and High-Resolution Reference Data based on Neural Networks.
Session: Climate/Water (presentation time 20 min)
  • Jernej Jevšenak (Technical University of Munich) – Incorporating high-resolution climate, remote sensing and topographic data to map annual forest growth in central and eastern Europe
  • William Lidberg (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) – Digital wet areas mapping
  • David Frantz (Trier University) – Processing satellite data for land change and modification studies
  • Aura Salmivaara (Natural Resources Institute Finland) – Modelling the Role of Weather and Forest Management on Nutrient Export in Boreal Forested Catchments
Coffee break
Session: Mobility/Technology (presentation time 20 min)
  • Ewelina Dobrowolska (Serco c/o ESA-ESRIN) – Exploring the potential of Copernicus Sentinel missions in environmental research through open access and knowledge sharing
  • Anita Poturalska (University of Oulu) – Scaling material usage of forest ecosystem service: spatial accessibility method for mapping European wood supply and demand mismatches.
  • Oleksandr Karasov (University of Helsinki) – Nature and culture: how remote sensing and social media shape future of cultural ecosystem services research
  • Fruzsina Stefan (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna) – The potential of Public Participation Geographic Information Systems (PPGIS) for studying recreational behaviour across generations – a case study of Vienna metropolitan area, Austria
  • Olle Järv (University of Helsinki) – Using Big Data to understand cross-border regions from the mobility of people: Insights from Poland and Europe
Gala dinner

16 May 2024 – DAY 2

Discussion panel
(Career development in science in Poland and abroad)
Session: Forest I (presentation time 15 min)
  • Luiza Tymińska-Czabańska (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Modeling the effect of stand and site characteristics on the probability of mistletoe infestation in Scots pine stands using remote sensing data
  • Maciej Lisiewicz (Forest Research Institute) – Potential of using multi-temporal ALS data and CIR images in classification of living and dead tree species
  • Ryan Caroll (Georg August Universitat Goettingen) – Effects of sample plot size on design-based and model-based estimates of above-ground forest biomass across Germany
  • Grzegorz Krok (Forest Research Institute) – Estimation of tree volume at sample plot level using terrestrial laser scanning technology
  • Zofia Jabs-Sobocińska (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences) – Distance to ancient forest, topography, and pine cover shape the regeneration of post-agricultural forest in NE Carpathians
Coffee break
Session: City/Tourism (presentation time 15 min)
  • Mariusz Ciesielski (Forest Research Institute) – Big data in forest recreation monitoring
  • Kaja Czarnecka (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences) – The application of geographic information system in investigating the local climate of urban areas
  • Katarzyna Krasnodębska (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Polish Academy of Sciences) – Estimating building heights from global Digital Elevation Models
  • Donata Wysocka i Paweł Smoliński (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) – Ecological consequences of suburbanisation. A case study of the Kujawsko-pomorskie Voivodship
  • Monika Kozłowska-Adamczak (Kazimierz Wielki University) The "Stay Overnight in the Forest” programme and the mBDL mobile application as means to promote the social role of forests through tourism and recreation in Poland
  • Weronika Juszczyk (Warsaw University of Life Sciences) – What the Polish bushcrafter prefers? – a statistical approach to the forest man
Discussion panel
(Requirements of the private sector towards science)
Session: Climate/Water (presentation time 15 min)
  • Adriana Marcinkowska-Ochtyra (University of Warsaw) – Mapping dynamically changing mountain vegetation from above – how is it possible? 
  • Kinga Kulesza (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography) – Assessment of the impact of weather conditions on forest health status in Poland
  • Jan Mikocki (Military University of Technology) – The use of modern geodetic techniques to study terrestrial water storage changes
  • Maciej Bartold (Institute of Geodesy and Cartography) – Chlorophyll Fluorescence in satellite-based monitoring of wetlands in the Biebrza River Valley
  • Szymon Sala (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences) – Correlation of the flooding regime with the presence of Solidago gigantea over the valleys of Narew and Vistula in Poland
  • Natalia Rębisz (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Półautomatyczna metoda generowania sieci cieków wodnych w oparciu o wysokorozdzielczy Numeryczny Model Terenu
 Coffee break
Session: Forest II (presentation time 15 min)
  • Tomasz Hycza (Forest Research Institute) – The method of delimiting forest areas with the use of airborne laser scanning data and hyperspectral imaging
  • Jakub Talaga (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Unsupervised assessment of the species diversity of Poland's forests
  • Adrian Nowacki (Adam Mickiewicz University) – Global changes in spatial complexity of forest areas between 1992 and 2020
  • Elvis Tangwa (IDEAS NCBR) - Predicting forest volume growth using repeated airborne laser scanning(ALS) data combined with climate and soil data
  • Weronika Żukowska (Instytut Dendrologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk) – Development of a strategy for the conservation of genetic resources based on genetic and geographic data – black poplar example
  • Vasyl Mohytych (Forest Research Institute) – The potential of using remote sensing techniques in forest genetic research

17 May 2024 – DAY 3

Session: Technology (presentation time 15 min)
  • Bartłomiej Kraszewski (Forest Research Institute) – GeoSpatial Big Data in Forest Environment: Challenges and Perspectives
  • Maksymilian Kulicki (IPPT PAN, IDEAS NCBR) – Review of Artificial Intelligence Tools for Processing Ground-based LiDAR Data in Precision Forestry
  • Radosław Gurdak (Polish Space Agency) – Assessment of the accuracy of winter wheat yield models based on remote sensing data
  • Artur Leńczuk (Military University of Technology) – Assessment of drought characteristics using geodetic measurements
  • Wojciech Krawczyk (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Canopy Height Model development using GEDI (NASA) and Sentinel-1,-2 (ESA) data fusion – application possibilities in Polish forestry
Coffee break / Poster session
Session: Change analysis (presentation time 15 min)
  • Vahid Nasiri (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Trend Analysis of Zagros Forest Dynamics and Their Responses to Climate Change: Time Series Analysis Using Google Earth Engine
  • Adrian Ochtyra (University of Warsaw) – Threshold and trend-based vegetation change monitoring algorithm based on the inter-annual multi-temporal normalized difference moisture index series: A case study of the Tatra Mountains
  • Weronika Wnuk (University of Warsaw) – What was and is not – lost settlements of the Kingdom of Poland in the eyes of modern non-invasive research tools
  • Szymon Jajuga (University of Agriculture in Krakow) – Variability of light conditions under the tree canopy in the Tatra National Park
  • Krzysztof Gryguc (Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences) – Satellite data time series in monitoring of the Bór na Czerwonem Nature Reserve
Closing the Conference
The third day will also include workshops that will be held after the Conference. Information about the workshops will be provided at a later date.

Lista posterów


  • Adrian Kaszkiel (Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Multi-scale recognition of the climatic functioning of peatlands in Poland – the MIRECLIM Project
  • Robin Wilgan (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Impact of invasive tree species on ectomycorrhizal fungi in pine forest ecosystems
  • Dominika Robak (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) – Regeneration potential and genetic variability of black poplar (Populus nigra L.) along the Vistula River
  • Anita Rzadkiewicz (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Metabolome analysis of N. tabacum cv. BY-2 suspension cells depending on sample size and method of normalization of GC MS/MS data
  • Julita Bujak (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Development of ecosystem services in forest complexes on the example of Brzeziny Forest District
  • Martyna Lasek (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Analysis of genomic resources of the most valuable Scots pine ecotypes in Poland in the face
    of a changing climate
  • Aleksandra Skolimowska (Warsaw University of Technology) - Albedo analysis and classification of snow and ice cover in satellite images in the Svalbard archipelago
  • Marta Kujawska (Institute of Dendrology, Polish Academy of Sciences) - Influence of habitat type on the soil mycobiome of European white elm (Ulmus laevis Pall.)
  • Natalia Korcz (Forest Research Institute) - Infrastructure elements that should accompany forest routes
  • Radosław Cichosz (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - The impact of applying the biodynamic afforestation method on the growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on the reclaimed sand mine in Szczakowa
  • Aram Takmadżan (University of Warsaw) - Vegetation condition changes of the tree stands in the Tatra Mountains from 1984 to 2022 using Landsat satellite images
  • Natalia Korcz (Forest Research Institute) - Can environmental education affect the strength of a person's connection to nature – an experiment on young adults using the CNS and NEP psychometric scales
  • Aleksandra Krzywicka (University of Warsaw) - Change detection in the Tatra Mountains forests using Landsat time series and the BFAST Algorithm
  • Anita Sabat-Tomala (University of Warsaw) - The application of airborne hyperspectral images and machine learning algorithms for the identification of invasive and expansive plant species
  • Jakub Miszczyszyn (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Analysis of the information capability of spectral indices in remote sensing of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. austriacum L.) in pine stands, acquired using unmanned aerial platforms (BSP)
  • Małgorzata Osmenda (State Forests, Olkusz Forest District) - The influence of physiological breaking the dormancy methods of European ash seeds on the seedling germination from various locations in the southern regions of Poland
  • Adrian Nowacki (Adam Mickiewicz University) - Accuracy comparison of various land cover and land use sources: case study of Poznań and poznański county
  • Piotr Janiec (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - An application of digital aerial photogrammetry data in forest height growth modelling
  • Małgorzata Szczepańska (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Using Sentinel-2 satellite imagery in the analysis of forest over changes following the storm of 2017 – case study of the Przymuszewo Forest Inspectorate in Poland
  • Kajetan Olędzki (Warsaw University of Life Science) - Weibull or normal distribution which one better approximates the tree diameter structure in pine stands
    of the Smardzewice Forest District?
  • Sebastian Czapiewski (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Utilization of LiDAR Data in Analyses of Peatland Changes in Young Glacial Drainage Basins
  • Igor Pawelec (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Segmentation of forest geospatial data with scale-adaptive superpixels algorithm
  • Kateryna Lipińska (Forest Research Institute) - Monitoring invasive species in urban areas using the example of knotweed in Warsaw
  • Natalia Michałowska - The impact of climate change on the accelerating crisis for nature in the United Kingdom
  • Agata Wrońska (AGH University of Krakow) - Assessment of the impact of historical mining activities on landscape planning in the Olkusz region
  • Garry Marapao (University of Agriculture in Krakow / University of the Philippines) - Climate-driven Spatio-temporal Disease Pattern of Uromycladium falcatarium (Doungsa-ard, McTaggart & R.G. Shivas) to Falcata Tree Plantations in Mindanao, Philippines
  • Anna Podkowa (Warsaw University of Technology) - River monitoring in the Lower Mekong Basin with L-band SMAP satellite data
  • Patrycja Essing-Jelonkiewicz (Kazimierz Wielki University) - Technological innovation used in the development of forest tourism and forest recreation in Poland as illustrated with the example of the tourist and recreational offer of the State Forest Holding – State Forests (SF)
  • Oskar Graszka (Warsaw University of Technology) - Modeling of potential high vegetation
  • Damian Czubak (Forest Research Institute) - Forest fire danger in the 2023 fire season
  • Muluken N. Bazezew (Georg-August Universitat Göttingen) - Modeling horizontal distribution of tree crown biomass by terrestrial laser scanning
  • Tao Jiang (Georg-August Universitat Göttingen) - Detecting Trees from World-view 3 Satellite Imagery Using Detection Transformers
  • Miłosz Tkaczyk (Forest Research Institute) - Bioclimatic variables and their impact on the potential distribution of Brenneria goodwinii in Europe
  • Hamideh Abdali (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Consequences of Implementing Government Projects in Forest Areas in Northern Iran: Application of Systems Dynamics
  • Torana Arya Gasica (IDEAS NCBR) - Preliminary Results of Forest Inventory with Low Cost SLAM LiDAR
  • Jan Kotlarz (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń) - Estimation of the Impact of Climate Change on Forestry Economy Using Economic Models
  • Małgorzata Białczak (Forest Research Institute) - Light conditions in the forest stands of Białowieża Forest
  • Reza Sarli (University of Agriculture in Krakow) - Sensitivity Analysis of Different Satellite-Based Vegetation Indices to Detect Drought in Vegetation (Case Study: Wielkopolsko-Pomorska, Western Poland)
  • Marta Włodarczyk (Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University of Warsaw) - Soricomorphs of lower course Odra River in diet of Tyto alba
  • Krzysztof Mitelsztedt (Forest Research Institute) - How to adapt cities to climate change with urban greening?

Project financed from funds of the Polish state budget granted by the Minister of Education and Science within the framework of the Programme Excellent Science II – Support of scientific conferences.

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