Wioślarki (Cladocera) niektórych okresowych stawów leśnych w okolicach Poddębic, województwo łódzkie

Cladocera of some periodical forest ponds near Poddębice, Łódź province


  • Krzysztof Z. Kamiński ul. Krasickiego 5 m. 20, 99–200 Poddębice, tel. +48 43 678 21 72,
    e-mail: k.z.kaminski@wp.pl


In the periodical forest ponds located near Poddębice 31 the species of Cladocera belonging to 6 families (Sididae – 1 species, Daphniidae – 11, Macrothricidae – 1, Chydoridae – 17, Bosminidae – 1 and Polyphemidae – 1) were found in the years 2004–2008. The Daphniidae to Chydoridae ratio was in these ponds different compare to other typical reservoirs.
Four species was found to not reproduce sexually: Acroperus harpae (Sars), Eurycercus lamellatus (Baird), Monospilus dispar (Sars) and Disparalona rostrata (Koch). The quantity of species in isolated reservoirs was found smaller in comparison to ponds located in open terrain or in vicinity of another large pond. The water temperature of „isolated”reservoirs was less dependent on external conditions. In spite of the fact that these reservoirs represent the astatic type ponds the high constancy of species composition in the consecutive years was noticed. Cladocera fauna of a given pond was charasteristic to it. Among rare species occuring in Poland the following species were found in reservoirs under investigation: Ceriodaphnia setosa Matile, Scapholeberis microcephala Lillieborg, Chydorus piger G. O. Sars and Pleuroxus laevis G. O. Sars.

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