Zastosowanie markerów genetycznych w identyfikacji gatunkowej modrzewia europejskiego (Larix decidua Mill.) i japońskiego (Larix kaempferi Sorg.) oraz ich mieszańców

Application of genetic markers in species identification of European and Japanese larch and their hybrids


  • Anna Jagielska Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Genetyki i Fizjologii Drzew Leśnych;
    fax: 0-22 72 00 379; e-mail:


The mitochondrial marker f13 occurring in the Japanese larch only and chloroplast marker ll-Taq I exhibiting different restriction pattern in relation to the species were used to identify European, and Japanese species of larch (Larix decidua Mill. and Larix kaempferi Sorg. respectively) as well as their hybrids. Plant material of known origin was obtained from nursery managed by INRA (Institute de la Recherche Agronomique): 10 individuals of L. decidua, 13 individuals of L. kaempferi and 10 hybrid of generation F1. Additionally 34 hybrid individual of generation F1/F2 were collected in the Direction Régionale de l’Agriculture et de la Foręt du Limousin. Applied markers enabled species identification of all pure-bred individual, as well as 99% of hybrids of the generation F1.

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