Struktura ektomikoryz u sadzonek sosny zwyczajnej inokulowanych wybranymi grzybami mikoryzowymi, wysadzonych na gruncie porolnym i marginalnym

Ectomycorrhizal structure on scots pine seedlings inoculated with choosen mycorrhizal species and out planted in post agricultural and marginal land


  • Dorota Hilszczańska Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Ekologii Lasu, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn
    Tel. +48 22 7150502, fax +48 22 227150504, e-mail:


The effect on quantity and quality of ectomycorrhizas after inoculation of Pinus sylvestris L. with three ectomycorrhizal (ECM) basidiomycetes: Suillus luteus (isolate 5409 IBL), Boletus pinicola (isolate 5406 IBL) and Hygrophorus olivaceoalbus (isolate Mykoflor), and possibility to increase mycorrhizal diversity on roots were investigated in soil of post-agricultural land. Five months after inoculation and planting seedlings inoculated with B. pinicola had 95% of all mycorrhizas on roots, and presence of 6 morphotypes was identified. Seedlings inoculated with S. luteus and H. olivoceoalbus had about 78% mycorrhizas and 5 morphotypes. Non-inoculated seedlings possessed also 5 morphotypes, but a smaller number of mycorrhizas – about 64%. On marginal land two different kinds of seedlings were planted: 1– bare-rooted and 2–containerised. Although differences were not statistically significant, greater number of mycorrhizas possessed seedlings from treatment 2. Morphotypes formed by Thelephora terrestris fungus colonized 80% of fine roots on seedlings from treatment 1, and 20% on seedlings from treatment 2. Results indicate that used fungi are worth further investigating to ascertain if they can promote pine growth.

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