Liczebność i struktura populacji jeleni (Cervus elaphus L.) w leśnym kompleksie promocyjnym „Puszcza Białowieska” w latach 1997–2001

Size and structure of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population in promotional forest complex „Puszcza Białowieska" in 1997–2001


  • Simona Kossak Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Naturalnych, 17-230 Białowieża, e-mail:


Integrated inventory method was applied to determine size and structure of red deer (Cervus elaphus L.) population in Polish part of Bialowieza Primeval Forest. It consisted of early-spring drive census, full year’s observation, winter counting of red deer tracks on transects and counting stags during rutting season. In 1997–2001 about 1100–1450 red deers lived under the pressure of hunting management in managed forests and 200-300 in national park. Average population density in Bialowieza Primeval Forest was 25–31 individuals/1,000 ha. At such population density damage in stands of younger age classes were economically acceptable. There were about 2 hinds per 1 stag during the entire period of study. Because every year hinds prevail in the take (65% of shot adults), one can recognize sex disproportion in Bialowieza population as natural phenomena. Effective population growth evaluated in autumn was about 26 calves per 100 hinds whereas in spring about 21. Registered natural losses (mainly occasionally found wolves victim’s remains) amount to 5% of population and this data is certainly underrated. Range of poaching is also unknown. Because the red deers in Bialowieza Primeval Forest’s ecosystem are under the pressure of factors unfavorable to dynamic population growth since 1996 calves shooting was discontinued and in 2000 total number of taken of deers was limited to 7% of population.

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