Zmiany zawartości składników pokarmowych w podłożu torfowo-korowym spowodowane zmianowaniem siewek podstawowych gatunków drzew leśnych

Alteration of nutrient content in the peat-bark substratum due to rotation of seedlings of major forest tree species.


  • Jan Łukaszewicz Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Hodowli Lasu, Sękocin Stary, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn
    Tel. +48 22 7150682, e-mail:


The influence of intense utilization and succession of seedlings on the peat-bark substratum chemical composition was investigated. The observations and measurements were made during three 3-year periods of seedlings rotation of 6 major forest tree species and total C and N content as well as N-NO3, N-NH4, N-min, P, K, Ca, Mg, and pH in H2O and in KCl was determined. The adequate species sequence in the rotation prolonged peat-bark substratum suitability for seedling production without noticeable loss of its utility properties. Highest nutrient uptake was found for the oak seedlings despite previously cultivated species (e.g. Scots pine, Norway spruce European larch, European beech, birch).

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