Realizacja ochrony leśnych zasobów genowych i hodowli selekcyjnej drzew w lasach państwowych w latach 1991–1999

Realization of the program of gene conservation and breeding of the forest tree species in state forests in the period 1991–1999


  • Jan Matras Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Hodowli Lasu i Genetyki Drzew Leśnych, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn;


The stage of realization of the „Program of gene conservation and breeding of the forest tree species in State Forests for Years 1991-2010 in Poland” in period 1991–1999 is presented in the paper. In that period 3532,43 ha of new selected seed stands and 3511 plus trees were approved, 455,75 ha of seed orchards, 221,79 ha of seedling seed orchards, 28833 ha of progeny plantations were established and also 130 gene reserves were chosen. Progress in the fulfillment of the programme during the first decade was significant. Most of the tasks were realized in advance: for selected seed stands almost in 100 per cent of the entire 20-year plan assignment, for the plus trees in 85 per cent, for seed and seedling seed orchards in 70 per cent. The only progeny plantation establishment is slower – during the first nine years it has only achieved 58 per cent of the plan.

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