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Folia Forestalia Polonica
- Vysotska N., Khromuliak O., Borysenko O., Rumiantsev M., Yashchuk I., Kipran O. Comparing the effectiveness of random forest and generalized linear models in predicting ungulate browsing impact on Kyiv Polissya’s young pine forests
- Baranowska M., Baturo-Cieśniewska A., Hauke-Kowalska M., Łukowski A., Korzeniewicz R., Marcin Zadworny M., Kowalkowski W. Cherry spruce rust in the Wigry National Park and Suwałki Forest District: cone infestation and its implications
- Tkaczyk M., Sikora K., Hanna S., Jabłoński T. Review of the most important fungal diseases occurring in forest nurseries in Poland in 2012–2021
- Lech P., Hildebrand R., Małachowska J. Forest monitoring in Poland: legal foundations and scope of the programme
- Bańkowski J. The role of silviculture in British Columbia forest management
- Buhroo A., Pandit R., Zubair R. Morpho-molecular identification of the bark beetle Hylesinus macmahoni (Stebbing, 1909) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) infesting Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata (Wall. & G.Don) Cif., along with a brief biological synopsis
- Kubiak D. “Sosny Taborskie” nature reserve as a refuge for rare and threatened forest lichens
- Pordel R., Payamnoor V., Esmaeilpour M., Goodarzi G., Yousefi H. Nanoparticles and magnetic field as novel elicitors improve seed germination and early growth of Mediterranean cypress
- Febryano I., Sari Y., Herwanti S., Bintoro A. Planting patterns in rubber agroforestry (Hevea brasiliensis) developed by the communities of Menggala Mas Village, Lampung Province, Indonesia
- Santorek A., Armatys P., Pregler B., Zwijacz-Kozica T., Żurek Z., Hotała P., Brozik W., Rutkowski R. Genetic diversity of the Carpathian capercaillie in space and time
- Myklush S., Myklush Y., Debryniuk I., Prystupa R. Change in the productivity of stands of the spruce (Picea abies L.) mountain Carpathian forests district over a 70-year period
- Golar G., Muis H., Isrun I., Simorangkir W., Fadhliah F., Ali M., Basir-Cyio M. Deforestation as a catalyst for natural disaster and community suffering: A cycle in the socioecological system
- Ginszt T., Laskowska-Ginszt A. Implementation of active conservation for butterflies in the faunistic nature reserves of the Białowieża Forest in 1995–2023
- Tkach V., Tarnopilska O., Luk’yanets ., Musienko S., Kobets O., Rumiantsev M., Bondarenko V. Density optimisation of pine plantations in the Left-Bank Steppe in Ukraine
- Wysiński K., Fojcik B. The share of anthropophytes in the tree stands of urban forests in Katowice (Silesian Upland, S Poland)
- Gumulak-Wołoszyn N., Sułkowska M., Nawrot-Chorabik K. Obtaining callus and seedlings of Ulmus laevis – studies of their morphogenetic capacity and in vitro rooting of seedlings
- Korzeniewicz R., Rutkowski B., Kowalkowski W., Baranowska M. The effect of commercial thinning in Scots pine stands on the growth of black cherry
- Shobairi S., Lingxiao S., Haiyan Z., Chunlan L., Jing H., Beirami B. Monitoring the temporal-spatial changes of vegetation cover and drivers in Tian Shan ecoregions, China
- Matskevych V., Yukhnovskyi V., Filipova L., Kravchenko N., Tupchii O., Matskevych Y. Photoautotrophic microclonal propagation of raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) variety Delniwa
- Turczański K., Andrzejewska A., Kaźmierczak K., Dyderski M. Can Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) forests harbour natural regeneration of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.)?
- Tyburski Ł., Przybylski P., Ukalski K., Konatowska M., Rutkowski P. Long-term analysis of sap flow conditions in the trunk of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the old-growth phase in relation to air temperature
- Ciesielski M., Gołos P., Wysocka-Fijorek E., Kaliszewski A. Relationships between forest ecosystem services – current state of knowledge
- Sułkowska M., Mohytych V. Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz survival rate of two common garden trials during the first ten years after planting
- Mohytych V., Ivaniuk A., Lisovyi M., Danchuk O., Delehan I., Holubchak O., Hnatiuk O., Sułkowska M., Zaitsev B., Liesebach M. Current status of International Beech Provenance Trial in Ukraine (Bu19_19) from the 1993/95 series started by Institute of Forest Genetics, Großhansdorf
- Jakl M., Kuneš I., Ćavar Zeljković S., Tarkowski P., Jaklová Dytrtová J. Differences in phenolic acids in soil substrates of forest deciduous tree species
- Benbakkar H., Souidi Z., Kattar S., Gonçalves A. Spatio-temporal analysis and risk management of forest fires (West Algerian region)
- Herasymchuk H., Mazepa V., Tolstushko N. The productivity of oak stands in the Tsumanska Pushcha of Kivertsi National Natural Park
- Stanula Z., Wieruszewski M., Dynowska J., Adamowicz K. Comparative efficiency of roundwood processing into pallet lumber
- Derii A., Pinchuk A., Babyn O., Sovakov O., Likhanov A. Variability of secondary metabolism and morphogenesis of Ligustrum vulgare L. under different growing conditions in an urban environment
- Tyburski Ł., Czubak D., Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M. Fuel models for forest soil cover plant
- Bruchwald A., Dmyterko E., Chojnacka Ożga L., Sułkowska M., Wrzesiński P. Characteristics of the process of tree mortality occurring in the Polish Sudetes Mts
- Słupska A., Zawadzka A. Does current forest management affect the ecologic and esthetic assets of the landscape in Poland?
- Kulbanska I., Goychuk A., Soroka M., Plikhtyak P., Shvets M., Pasichnyk L. Bacterial wetwood of Ulmus glabra Huds. in the relict coenopopulation of the Pokutsky Carpathians (Ukraine)Bacterial wetwood of Ulmus glabra Huds. in the relict coenopopulation of the Pokutsky Carpathians (Ukraine)
- Mazur V., Didur I., Pantsyreva H., Matusyak M., Tysiachnyi O. The influence of the type of root on the rooting of green roots of Viburnum opulus
- Zolfaghari R., Fayyaz P., Dalvand F., Rezaei R. The first report of Quercus brantii dieback caused by Lelliottia nimipressuralis in Zagros forests, Iran
- Młynarski W. Selected aspects of the impact of energy wood harvesting on the forest environment
- Gheorghe I. Biomass as an energy source and carbon stock
- Matskevych V., Yukhnovskyi V., Kimeichuk I., Matskevych O., Shyta O. Peculiarities of determining the morphogenesis of plants Corylus avellana L. and Prunus dulcis (Mill.) D.A.Webb in vitro culture
- Buhroo A., Khanday A., Zubair R., Rather S. The first data on the biology of Ips stebbingi Strohmeyer, 1908 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), a pest of Himalayan blue pine
- Baranowska M., Kartawik N., Panka S., Behnke-Borowczyk J., Grześkowiak P. The community of soil fungi associated with the western red cedar (Thuja plicata Donn ex D. Don, 1824)
- Lavrov V., Blinkova O., Grabovska T., Polishchuk Z. Evaluation of forest ecosystems’ anthropogenic transformation by indicators of xylomycocomplex
- Korzybski D., Mielcarek M., Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M., Piasecka Ż., Guderski K., Kurpiewska S., Kuśnierz H. The use of remote sensing data sources and GIS in fire protection planning in Biebrza National Park, with special attention to non-forest ecosystems
- Movchan D., Bilous A., Yelistratova L., Apostolov A., Hodorovsky A. Application of various approaches of multispectral and radar data fusion for modelling of aboveground forest biomass
- Adamenko S., Shlapak V., Zayachuk V., Kozachenko I., Valentyna Mamchur V. The influence of changing some climatic conditions on the phenological phases of the development of native bush of Forest-Steppe zone plants
- Zając P., Dębińska E., Maciuk K. Accuracy of the evaluation of forest areas based on Landsat data using free software
- Likus-Cieślik J., Leńczuk D., Woś B., Lubera A., Pająk M., Pietrzykowski M. Productivity and economic effectiveness of young black locust tree stands on afforested sulphur opencast mine sites
- Baranowska M., Szczepaniak O., Meres B., Korzeniewicz R. The use of attractants in reducing the occurrence of the Prunus serotina (Ehrh.)
- Bidolakh D., Lakyda P., Myroniuk V., Hayda Y., Pidkhovna S. Assessment and representation of Urban Trees Ecosystem Services: a case study in Pryzamkovyi park
- Tyburski Ł., Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M., Piwnicki J. Laboratory of Forest Fire Protection – 60 Years of Research in the Field of Forest Fire Protection
- Hurzhii R., Andrusyak Y., Sydorenko S. Approaches to research and classification of forest fuel
- Patrycja Kontek P., Izabela I., Andrusyak Y. GIS analyses of land consolidation in case of the highly fragmentated of parcels
- Garmash А., Gordiyshenko A., Borysenko O., Pyvovar T. Scots pine stands in the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
- Zibtseva O. What affects the choice of forestry profession by Ukrainian students?
- Yadav N., Singh B., Khanduri V. Seasonal variation in nutrient composition in the leaves of two Bauhinia species
- Adedire O., Sadiku Y., Popoola A., Oladejo A., Onuwa G., Mbah J., Sikiru G. Analysis of sales, costs and demands for timber species in selected timber markets of Plateau State, Nigeria
- Szyp-Borowska I., Zawadzka A., Wojda T., Klisz M. Analysis of the genetic diversity and population structures of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) stands in Poland based on simple sequence repeat markers
- Tyburski Ł., Szczygieł R. Rules for the construction of firebreaks along public roads in selected European countries
- Mohytych V., Zachara T., Sułkowska M., Kowalczyk J. Some aspects of the methodological approach in the progeny testing of European larch in Poland
- Dziergas T., Jakubowski J., Popiołek J., Gornowicz R., Adamowicz K. Key interpersonal skills of a game warden as part an employee soft skills assessment from a commitment and performance perspective
- Sobolev A., Feklistov P., Bolotov I., Barzut O. The results of the introduction of twisted pine (Pinus contorta) in Bolshoy Solovetsky Island
- Neverov N., Chistova Z., Mineev A. Effect of meteorological factors on the radial growth of pine latewood in northern taiga
- Miroshnyk N., Grabovska T., Mazura M., Teslenko I. Bioindication of megalopolis park ecosystems under aerotechnogenic loading
- Bessonova V., Yakovlieva-Nosar S. Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in Pinus pallasiana D. Don needles under different forest growth conditions of ravine anti-erosion plantations
- Tuğ A., Memišević Hodžić M., Ballian D. Correlations among morphological traits of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Miller) from Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bilous S., Prysiazhniuk L., Chernii S., Melnyk S., Marchuk Y., Likhanov A. Genetic characterisation of centuries-old oak and linden trees using SSR markers
- Meshkova V., Skrylnik Y., Bieliavtsev M., Zinchenko O., Borysenko O., Markina T. Xylophagous beetles (Coleoptera) in the zones of Gomilshanski lisy National Nature Park with different management regime
- Myklush Y., Myklush S., Debryniuk I., Hayda Y. Formation of European beech stands (Fagus sylvatica L.) that involve Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in tree species composition in the Ukrainian Roztochie
- Brovko F., Yukhnovskyi V., Brovko D., Brovko O., Minder V., Urliuk Y. Prospects of cultivation of Jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) on sandy soils of natural–technogenic origin in Kyiv Polissia
- Zhezhkun A. Growth and formation of Scots pine stands in Eastern Polissia of Ukraine
- Nursanti N., Novriyanti N., Indriyani A., Anggraeni N., Paiman A. Peatlands restorer plant species in the protected forest area
- Ibrahim F., Osikabor B., Olatunji B., Ogunwale G. Understanding forest land conversion for agriculture in a developing country context: An application of the theory of planned behaviour among a cohort of Nigerian farmers
- Gayda S., Kiyko O., Guz M. Comparative studies of the macro- and microstructures of stump-root wood and stemwood
- Vedmid M., Luk'yanets V., Tarnopilska O., Rumiantsev M., Kobets O., Obolonyk I., Pozniakova S., Musienko S. Conversion of low-value stands by corridor method in Left-Bank Forest-Steppe, Ukraine
- Fornal-Pieniak B., Mandziuk A. Comparison of vascular plants in herb layers of ecotones in urban and non-urban forests in Brzesko city (Polish Carpathian foreland)
- Meshkova V., Vorobei A., Omelich A. Coleopterous predators of pine bark beetles in the last years of the outbreak recorded in Ukraine
- Kulbanska I., Plikhtyak P., Shvets M., Soroka M., Goychuk A. Lelliottia nimipressuralis (Carter 1945) Brady et al. 2013 as the causative agent of bacterial wetwood disease of common silver fir (Abies alba mill.)
- Ksentini H., Amel M., Arifa B. Degradation of mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with cork oak and understory vegetation by the anthropogenic factors
- Stankova T., Dimitrova P., Gyuleva V., Stefanova P. Height–diameter relationship of plantation-grown juvenile black locust trees is differentiated according to their growth rate, which is positively affected by spacing
- Safe’i R., Puspita E., Hilmanto R. Assessment of tree vitality as an indicator of monitoring the health condition of community forest in agroforestry patterns
- Ercan E., Aydin K., Özder C., Atar M. The effect of the densification process on dowel tensile performance with different types of glues
- Kirillov V., Pathak A., Kabanova S., Stikhareva T., Turumbayev S., Savazova D., Kerteshev T., Rakhimzhanov A. Human resources for forestry in Kazakhstan: Current status, potential and problems
- Hayda Y., Mohytych V., Bidolakh D., Kuzovych V., Sułkowska M. The introduction of red oak (Quercus rubra L.) in Ukrainian forests: advantages of productivity versus disadvantages of invasiveness
- Michopoulos P., Kostakis M., Thomaidis N., Pasias I. The influence of forest types on manganese content in soils
- Bensaci O., Beghami R., Gouaref K. First report of Apiognomonia errabunda on Quercus ilex in Algeria
- Anteur D., Benaradj A., Fekir Y., Baghdadi D. Zakour Forest fire risk map assessment in the commune of Mamounia (Mascara, Algeria)
- Grodzki W. Do pheromone trapping always reflect Ips typographus (L.) population level? A study from the Tatra National Park in Poland
- Lavrov V., Miroshnyk N., Grabovska T., Shupova T. Forest shelter belts in organic agricultural landscape: structure of biodiversity and their ecological role
- Gasparyan A., Szczepkowski A. First report of the white rotting fungus Sarcodontia crocea in Armenia
- Chornobrov O., Bilous S. In vitro plant regeneration of Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera truncata (Haw.) Moran) by indirect morphogenesis
- Febryano I., Harum O., Wulandari C., Hidayat W., Banuwa I., Prasetia H., Iswandaru D., Novriyanti N., Duadji N., Tresiana N., Zulfiani D., Ichsan A., Salampessy M. Raw material of Besemah traditional house construction in Indonesia
- Myklush Y., Myklush S., Havryliuk S., Savchyn V. Main forestry and management indices of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands involving beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in composition of Ukrainian Roztochchia
- Neyko I., Monarkh V., Poznyakova S., Matusyak M. State of in situ forest genetic resources of broadleaved tree species in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
- Siebyła M., Szyp-Borowska I. Comparison of bacterial communities in roots of selected trees with and without summer truffle (Tuber aestivum) ectomycorrhiza
- Feklistov P., Sobolev A., Barzut O., Neverov N. Illuminance under canopy in different types of forest in the northern taiga
- Hurzhii R., Yavorovskyi P., Sydorenko S., Levchenko V., Tyshchenko O., Feklistov P., Yakubenko B. Trends in forest fuel accumulation in pine forests of Kyiv Polissya in Ukraine
- Rumiantsev M., Luk'yanets V., Kobets O., Obolonyk I., Tarnopilska O., Poznіakova S., Musienko S., Tupchii O. Distribution and natural regeneration of Tilia cordata Mill. in Ukrainian plain forests in a changing climate
- Nakvasina E., Prozherina N. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) reaction to climate change in the provenance tests in the north of the Russian plain
- Marozau A., Mielcarek M., Krok G., Paluch R., Chiliński K. European silver fir – an alternative for the dying Norway spruce in Białowieża Forest?
- Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M., Kołakowski B. The attempt to assess the fire risk of non-forest terrestrial ecosystems of Biebrza National Park – A case study
- Fedorkov A., Stener L., Pulkkinen P. Plasticity and stability of hybrid aspen clones in 14 field trials over Sweden, Finland and north-west Russia
- Kozak I., Parpan T., Yuriy S., Mylenka M., Kozak-Balaniuk I. Using FORDRY model to forecast transformation of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands in Nadsyansky Regional Landscape Park (Ukrainian Carpathians)
- M. Zhezhkun M., L.V. Demianenko L. Current state and productivity of age-old experimental plantations of prof. V.D. Ogievsky in the northeastern part of Ukraine
- Baranowski J., Kędzia S. Air temperature as a determinant of the forest line in the Tatras
- Staszel K., Błońska E., Lasota J. Slope aspect and altitude effect on selected soil organic matter characteristics in beskid mountains forest soils
- Dąbrowska G., Dąbrowski H., Szyp-Borowska I. Genetic diversity of Betula nana in Sweden and conservation implications for protection of relict Polish populations
- Maksimtsev S., Dudarets S., Yukhnovskyi V. Accumulation of heavy metals in soil and litter of roadside plantations in western Polissia of Ukraine
- Zaniewski P., Ciurzycki W., Zaniewska E. The proposal of a new provisional border of range of the acidophilous oak forest Calamagrostio arundinaceae-Quercetum petraeae hartm. 1934 Scam. et Pass. 1959 in central Poland
- Rychert K., Wielgat-Rychert M., Matviikiv A., Kryvoshei Y., Parfeniuk A. Planktonic communities in a small post-peat reservoir (Ustka Forest District, Poland)
- Kukina O., Kardash E., Shvydenko I. Expected harmfulness of gnawing phyllophagous insects in urban stands of Kharkiv city
- Mazur M., Jadwiszczak K., Bona A., Krasylenko Y., Kukushkin O., Katarzyna K. Juniperus excelsa s. str. in Crimea – differentiation and history inferred from genetic and morphological markers
- Smirnov A., Mutalibova G., Leontyev V., Lozano-Rivas W. Successive processes at quarry waste dumps of various ages
- Zachara T., Gil W. The damage caused by wind in middle-aged Scots pine stands on permanent thinning experimental plots
- Boiko S. The local populations of the fungus Schizophyllum commune Fr. as drivers of its biodiversity
- Kocel J., Jodłowski K. Can standardisation of the unit costs of wood extraction be applied in the financial system of the State Forests?
- Neyko I., Kolchanova O., Monarkh V., Poznyakova S. Seed productivity and variability of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) clones of Finnish origin in seed orchard in the central part of Ukraine
- Szyp-Borowska I., Ukalska J., Wojda T., Sułkowska M., Klisz M. Micropropagation and in vitro rooting of Robinia pseudoacacia L. recalcitrant genotypes
- Przybylski P., Tyburski Ł., Mohytych V. The relationship between height and diameter trees of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) and the extent of crown defoliation in the Kampinos National Park
- Szramka H., Adamowicz K. Forest development and conservation policy in Poland
- Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M., Kołakowski B., Piwnicki J. Potential forest fire risk evaluation in Poland
- Musienko S., Lyalin ., Tkach L., Vira B., Kolenkina M., Kolchanova O. State and structure of urban forests in Kharkiv region
- Kiseleva V., Stonozhenko L., Korotkov S. The dynamics of forest species composition in the Eastern Moscow Region
- Grodzki W. On the vertical distribution of Ips duplicatus, I. cembrae and some bark- and longhorn beetles (Col.: Curculionidae, Scolytinae; Col.: Cerambycidae) in the Tatra National Park in Poland
- Marciszewska K., Szczepkowski A., Otręba A. Black cherry (Prunus serotina Ehrh.) colonization by macrofungi in the fourth season of its decline due to different control measures in the Kampinos National Park
- Przybylski P., Masternak K., Jastrzębowski S. Isozyme polymorphism and seed and cone variability of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in relation to local environments in Poland
- Bondar O., Rumiantsev M., Tkach L., Obolonyk I. Prevailing forest types in the river catchments within the Left-Bank Forest-Steppe zone, Ukraine
- Siebyła M., Hilszczańska D. Diversity of soil bacteria complexes associated with summer truffle (Tuber aestivum)
- Bessonova V., Sklyarenko A. The accumulation of fluoride by leaves of woody plants growing in the area of sanitary protection zones in the industrial region of Zaporizhzhya
- Szczygieł R., Kwiatkowski M., Kołakowski B., Piwnicki J. Dynamic forest fire risk evaluation in Poland
- Goychuk A., Drozda V., Shvets M., Kulbanska I. Bacterial wetwood of silver birch (Betula pendula roth): symptomology, etiology and pathogenesis
- Kaliszewski A., Młynarski W. Not only sale of wood: diversification of sources of revenues in selected European public forest enterprises
- Khanday A., Buhroo A., Kerchev I., Singh S., Zubair R. A review of the Indian species of genus Polygraphus Erichson, 1836 (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) with bio-ecological notes on P. major, a pest of Pinus wallichiana A. B. Jacks (Pinaceae) in Kashmir, India
- Bałazy R. Forest dieback process in the Polish mountains in the past and nowadays – literature review on selected topics
- Voitiuk V., Andreieva V., Kychyliuk O., Hetmanchuk A., Klisz M., Mohytych V. Application of growth traits and qualitative indices for selection of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) elite trees. A case study from Volyn region, western Ukraine
- Szczepkowski A., Tyburski Ł., Sułkowska M. Monument trees in the Kampinos National Park (Central Poland): A review
- Masternak K., Głębocka K., Surowaniec K., Kowalczyk K. Growth traits of natural regeneration of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in south-eastern Poland
- Tkaczyk M. Phytopythium: origin, differences and meaning in modern plant pathology
- Raspopina S., Debryniuk Y., Hayda Y. Forest plantation productivity – soil interactions within Western Forest-Steppe of Ukraine: effects of pH and cations
- Shpak N., Shlapak V., Adamenko S., Shvecs Y., Savchenko O. Local populations of Sorbus torminalis (L.) Crantz in forest plantings of natural origin in the South-Podolsk Forest-Steppe of Ukraine
- Kamiński K., Szewczyk G., Kocel J. Standardization of complementary work time in timber harvesting processes
- Andreieva O., Goychuk A. Forest site conditions and the threat for insect outbreaks in the Scots pine stands of Polissya
- Wysocka-Fijorek E., Gil W., Gołos P., Dobrowolska E. Who applies for afforestation subsidies? Analysis of the age of beneficiaries of the Rural Development Program from 2004–2018
- Koranteng A., Adu-Poku I., Donkor E., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Geospatial assessment of land use and land cover dynamics in the mid-zone of Ghana
- Nekrasova O., Radchenko T., Filimonova E., Lukina N., Glazyrina M., Dergacheva M., Uchaev A., Betekhtina A. Natural forest colonisation and soil formation on ash dump in southern taiga
- Kraszewski B., Piasecka Ż., Sadkowski R., Stereńczak K. Automatic Airborne Laser Scanning Data Quality Control Procedure for Environmental Studies
- Hnatiuk O., Mohytych V., Sułkowska M. Distribution, protection and restoration of Taxus baccata L. in Ukraine
- Brach M., Stereńczak K., Bolibok L., Kwaśny Ł., Krok G., Laszkowski M. Impacts of forest spatial structure on variation of the multipath phenomenon of navigation satellite signals
- Meshkova V., Nazarenko S., Kolienkina M. Diprion pini L. (Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Diprionidae) population dynamics in the Low Dnieper region
- Ukalska J., Jastrzębowski S. Sigmoid growth curves, a new approach to study the dynamics of the epicotyl emergence of oak
- Żółciak A., Nowakowska J., Pacia A., Keča N., Oszako T. Fungi isolated from shoots showing ash dieback in the Wolica Nature Reserve in Poland and artificially inoculated seedlings with Hymenoscyphus fraxineus
- Tyburski Ł., Zaniewski P., Bolibok L., Piątkowski M., Szczepkowski A. Scots pine Pinus sylvestris mortality after surface fire in oligotrophic pine forest Peucedano-Pinetum in Kampinos National Park
- Zhigunov A., Butenko О. Estimating the growth of 20- to 26-year-old lodgepole pine plantations in the Leningrad region of Russia
- Skrzecz I., Bulka M., Ukalska J. Effects of location of Norway spruce (Picea abies) stumps on their colonisation by insects in the mountains
- Koranteng A., Adu-Poku I., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Landuse and land cover dynamics in the Volta River Basin surrounding APSD forest plantation, Ghana
- Strzeliński P., Turski M. Monitoring of spruce stands in the Czerwona Woda river catchment of the Stołowe Mountains National Park
- Khvesyk M., Shubalyi O., Khvesyk J., Vasilik N. Conceptual basis of transformation of ecological and economic relations in the forest sector of Ukraine in the context of European integration
- Górska M., Roszyk E. Wood structure of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on flotation tailings
- Koval I., Sydorenko S. The influence of surface fire on radial and height growth of Pinus sylvestris L. in forest-steppe in Ukraine
- Tomczyk-Kida M., Durło G., Wilczyński S. Tree ring growth as a response of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from Rudnik Forest District to climatic factors
- Neyko I., Yurkiv Z., Matusiak M., Kolchanova O. The current state and efficiency use of in situ and ex situ conservation units for seed harvesting in the central part of Ukraine
- Mohytych V., Sułkowska M., Klisz M. Reproduction of silver fir (Abies alba Mill) forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians
- Skrylnik Y., Koshelyaeva Y., Meshkova V. Harmfulness of xylophagous insects for silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine
- Grodzki W., Gąsienica Fronek W. The European spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (L.) in wind-damaged stands of the eastern part of the Tatra National Park – the population dynamics pattern remains constant
- Masternak-Janus A., Masternak K. Data envelopment analysis models for the assessment of efficiency of sustainable forest management in Poland
- Nikolaevna Nakvasina E., Viktorovna Voevodkina A., Gennadievich Volkov A., Yurievich Zakharov A., Viktorovich Koptev S., Stepanovich Minin N. Thinning effects on stand formation and modifications of a young pine/birch forest: a boreal zone case study
- Kucharski L., Kloss M., Sienkiewicz J., Liszewska M., Kiełtyk P. Impact of climate change on ivy (Hedera helix L.) expansion in forests of Central Poland
- Karmiłowicz E. The use of herbicides to regulate weeds in forest nurseries and crops in Poland
- Długosiewicz J., Zając S., Wysocka-Fijorek E., Sułkowska M. Comparative analysis of natural and artificial regeneration in Nowa Dęba Forest District
- Mohytych V., Klisz M., Yatsyk R., Hayda Y., Sishchuk M. Ecological and genetic aspects of distribution of the marginal populations of Swiss stone pine (Pinus cembra L.) in Ukrainian Carpathians
- Yarotskiy V., Pasternak V., Nazarenko V. Deadwood in the oak forests of the Left Bank Forest-steppe of Ukraine
- A., Hafzari R., Setiawati T., Irawan B., Kusmoro J. Evaluation of RAPD markers for molecular identification of five bamboo genera from Indonesia
- Żółciak A. Determination of Pleurotus abieticola ligninolytic activity on Norway spruce wood
- Czech E. Forest road and public purpose investment
- Hayda Y., Los S., Yatsyk R., Tereshchenko L., Shlonchak G., Mytrochenko V., Neyko I., Samodai V., Smashnyuk L., Klisz M., Mohytych V. Seed orchards in Ukraine: past, present and prospects for the future
- Adamowicz K., Keca L. Can changes in forest management contribute to the reduction of CO2 in the atmosphere? Literature review, discussion and Polish example
- Jabłoński K., Stempski W. An attempt to assess the monetary value of carbon absorbed in the Polish forest sector
- Wąsik R., Pająk M., Michalec K., Michalec K., Michalec K., Woś B. A comparison of the selected properties of macrostructure and density of wood of scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing on various mine soil substrates
- Andrzej Klimek A., Chachaj B. Colonization of hardwood and pine wood chips by mites (Acari), with particular reference to oribatid mites (Oribatida)
- Marciszewska K., Szczepkowski A., Otręba A., Oktaba L., Kondras M., Zaniewska E., Ciurzycki W., Wojtan R. The dynamics of sprouts generation and colonization by macrofungi of black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh. eliminated mechanically in the Kampinos National Park
- Elżbieta Karmiłowicz E., Skrzecz I., Ewa Matyjaszczyk E. Plant protection and forest protection – the development of legislation and forest protection services in Poland
- Adamowicz K., Noga T. Identification of financial ratios applicable in the construction of a prediction model for bankruptcy of wood industry enterprises
- Goparaju L., Ahmad F., Sinha D. Spatial Analysis of Wildlife Habitat around Madihan forests of Mirzapur district, Uttar Pradesh in India, using Geospatial Technology
- Khanday A., Buhroo A., Ranjith A., Mazur S. Laboratory evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi as biological control agents against the bark beetle Pityogenes scitus Blandford (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Kashmir
- Konecka E., Kaznowski A., Stachowiak M., Maciąg M. Activity of spore-crystal mixtures of new Bacillus thuringiensis strains against Dendrolimus pini (Lepidoptera: Lasiocampidae) and Spodoptera exigua (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
- Samsonova I., Gryazkin A., Belyaeva N., Belyaev V., Petrik V., Bespalova V., Alexander Lyubimov A. Nature-oriented potential resource and melliferous value of forest belts in steppe agro-forest landscapes
- Woreta D., Wolski R., Lipiński S., Tkaczyk M. Effects of food quality on Melolontha spp. adults
- Adamowicz K. The unresolved problem of determining the forest interest rate
- Skrzecz I., Karpierz M., Ślusarski S., Tkaczyk M., Oszako T., Adamowicz L., Jastrzębski C., Pura B., Tarakowski R. Modern technologies in forest protection – an attempt to use an electronic nose for detecting harmful insects and pathogens
- Tumenbayeva A., Sarsekova D., Małek S. Carbon sequestration of above-ground biomass of Pinus sylvestris L. in the green belt of the city of Astana
- Andreieva O., Zhytovа O., Martynchuk I. Health condition and colonization of stem insects in Scots pine after ground fire in Central Polissya
- Mazur A., Witkowski R., Góral J., Rogowski G. Occurrence of Gnathotrichus materiarius (Fitch, 1858) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in South-Western Poland
- Skrzecz I., Perlińska A. Current problems and tasks of forest protection in Poland
- Tyburski Ł., Przybylski P. Evaluation of the loss of assimilation apparatus and its causes in Scots pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) of the Kampinos National Park
- Musienko S., Lyalin O., Tkach L., Babenko V., Sułkowska M. Characteristics and current situation of urban forests in Kharkiv region
- Grygoruk D. Open data in scientific communication
- Prahodsky S., Kaplich V., Voitka D. Protection of Scots pine planting stock and forest plantations against diseases and pests in Belarus
- Zhigunov A., Shabunin D., Butenko O., Lebedeva M. Fast and cheap identification of elite aspen clones in the North-West of Russia using ISSR markers
- Malinowska K., Malinowski R., Studziński M. Physiological reaction of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) to copper excess in hydroponic medium
- Janeczko E., Tomusiak R., Woźnicka M., Janeczko K. Running events in Polish forests in the opinion of their participants
- Parzych A., Mochnacký S., Sobisz Z., Polláková N., Šimanský V. Needles and bark of Picea abies (L.) H. Karst and Picea omorika (Pančić ) Purk. as bioindicators of environmental quality
- Kozakiewicz P., Rębkowski B., Koczan G., Krzosek S. Influence of machining technologies and quality of logs on material losses of typical supply of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) destined for layered floorboards
- Bożena Kornatowska B., Sienkiewicz J. Forest ecosystem services – assessment methods
- Payamnoor V., Hajati R., Khodadai N. The effect of coconut extract on callus growth and ultrasound waves on production of betulin and betulinic acid in in-vitro culture conditions of Betula pendula Roth species
- Ciurzycki W., Marciszewska K. Forest plant communities and their degeneration in the urban forests of Warsaw
- Marozau A., Baranov O. Hybridity of a plant created in a combination of crossing of (Vaccinium uliginosum L. × V. vitis-idaea L.) × Oxycoccus macrocarpus (Aiton) Pursh at the tetraploid level
- Romanova N., Zhirnov A., Yust N., Fucheng X. Impact of forest growth conditions on the wood density: the case of Amur Region
- Gryz J., Lesiński G., Krauze-Gryz D., Przemysław Stolarz P. Woodland reserves within an urban agglomeration as important refuges for small mammals
- Otręba A., Marciszewska K., Janik D. Is cut-stump and girdling an efficient method of black cherry Prunus serotina Ehrh. eradication?
- Nawrot-Chorabik K. Response of the callus cells of fir (Abies nordmanniana) to in vitro heavy metal stress
- Parzych A., Mochnacký S., Sobisz Z., Kurhaluk N., Polláková N. Accumulation of heavy metals in needles and bark of Pinus species
- Pawlaczyk E., Bączkiewicz A., Buczkowska K., Bobowicz M. Genetic variation of silver fir progeny from Tisovik Reserve population determined via microsatellite and isozyme markers
- Adamowicz K., Noga T. Assessment applicability of selected models of multiple discriminant analyses to forecast financial situation of Polish wood sector enterprises
- Czerepko J., Geszprych M., Gołos P. Basic assumptions for forest management and nature conservation from axiological, legal, and economic perspective
- Tkaczyk M., Pacia A., Siebyła M., Oszako T. Phosphite fertilisers as inhibitors of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus (anamorph Chalara fraxinea) growth in tests in vitro
- ., Stereńczak K., Mierczyk M., Maciuk S., Bałazy R., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Sensitivity of Vegetation Indices in Relation to Parameters of Norway Spruce Stands
- Gołąb J., Urban K., Elżbieta Badach E. Soil moisture variation on the outlet area of devices dewatering forest roads in Beskid Sądecki
- Ilek A., Kucza J., Morkisz K. Hydrological properties of bark of selected forest tree species. Part 2: Interspecific variability of bark water storage capacity
- Masternak K. Effect of seed collection and site altitude on the growth and genetic variability of early and late flushing provenances of Norway spruce tested in the IPTNS-IUFRO 1964/68 site in Poland
- ., Lewandowska-Wosik A., Pawlaczyk E., Urbaniak L. Variability of morphological needle traits of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) among populations from mountain and lowland regions of Poland
- Tereba A., Konecka A., Nowakowska J. Application of selected molecular markers in studies on forest trees
- Hrunyk N., Gout R., Valentina Kovaleva V. Regulation of gene expression for defensins and lipid transfer protein in Scots pine seedlings by necrotrophic pathogen Alternaria alternata (Fr.)
- Oszako T., Olchowik J., Szaniawski A., Drozdowski S., Aleksandrowicz-Trzcińska M. Emerging forest disease in Europe and North America
- Matsiakh I., Volodymyr Kramarets V., Tsiklauri K. Imeretian oak and a great capricorn beetle – the problem of relations on the territory of Ajameti Managed Reserve (Republic of Georgia)
- Jasińska A., Tulik M. Peculiar traits of wood in a leaning stem of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
- Jansons A., Matisons R., Pobiarzens A., Sisenis L., Neimane U. Proportion of knotty wood in stems of 28-year old lodgepole and Scots pine in experimental plantation in Zvirgzde, Latvia
- Tyburski Ł., Przybylski P. The state of crowns of black alder (Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn.) in Kampinos National Park (Central Poland) in years 2015–2016 – preliminary studies
- Wróblewska-Łuczka P., Chmielewska-Badora J., Zwoliński J., Galińska E., Adamczuk P., Żukiewicz-Sobczak W., Jerzy Zagórski J., Tomasiewicz K., Wojtyła A. Exposure to infection with Hantavirus (serotype Dobrava/Hantaan) among forestry workers in Poland
- Khvesyk M., Shubalyi A., Golyan V. Multicriteria evaluation of forestry development by regions (by the example of Ukraine)
- Elena N. Nakvasina E., Volkov A., Prozherina N. Provenance experiment with spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Picea obovata (Ledeb.)) in the North of Russia (Arkhangelsk region)
- Adamowicz K., Gwiazdowicz M., Szczypa P. Applicability of book value to estimate property of Polish forest management units
- Dąbrowski P., Kalaji H., Keča N., Horaczek T., Oszako T. The influence of phosphite treatments on oak leaves and damage caused by powdery mildew Erysiphe alphitoides
- Gette I., Pakharkova N., Kosov I., Bezkorovaynaya I. Fluorescence methods for estimation of post-fire response of pine needles
- Grodzki W., Gąsienica Fronek W. Reproduction abilities of Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae) in the stands damaged by the wind in 2013 in the Kościeliska Valley (Tatra National Park)
- Borecki T., Pieniak D., Stępień E., Wójcik R. Planning and regulation of pre-final cuttings in Poland – a proposal for change
- Hycza T., Stereńczak K., Bałazy R. Black-Bridge data in the detection of forest area changes in the example of Sudety and Beskidy
- Hauke-Kowalska M., Kasprzyk W. Influence of nitrogen fertilisation on biometric features of two-year-old seedlings of pedunculate oak subjected for root pruning
- Koranteng A., Adu-Poku I., Zawiła-Niedźwiecki T. Drivers of land use change and carbon mapping in the savannah area of Ghana
- Březina D., Hlaváčková P., Fialová J. Economic evaluation of recreational use of forests roads on the example of Pisek City Forests Ltd.
- Oszako T., Sikora K., Belbahri L., Nowakowska J. Molecular analysis of Phytophthora species found in Poland
- Grygoruk D. Participation of the Forest Research Institute in conference INFOBAZY 2017
- Pachana P. Forest stands volume estimation by using Finnish Multi-Source National Forest Inventory in Stołowe Mountains National Park
- Szyp-Borowska I., Banha C., Wojda T., Szczygieł K. Micropropagation of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and genetic stability of long term cultivated plants
- Andrzej Klimek A., Rolbiecki S., Rolbiecki R. Impact of ectohumus application in birch and pine nurseries on the presence of soil mites (Acari), Oribatida in particular
- Kaźmierczak K., Zawieja B. Tree crown size as a measure of tree biosocial position in 135-year-old oak (Quercus L.) stand
- Janeczko E., Janeczko K., Moskalik T., Woźnicka M. Assessment of the forest landscape along selected motor vehicle routes
- Grygoruk D. Root vitality of Fagus sylvatica L., Quercus petraea Liebl. and Acer pseudoplatanus L. in mature mixed forest stand
- Gendek A., Nurek T. Variability of energy woodchips and their economic effects
- Błuszkowska U., Nurek T. Issues of provisions in the Specification of the Essential Terms of Contract (SIWZ) in tenders for realization of forestry works
- Gorzkowska A., Pszczółkowska A., Okorski A., Nowakowska J., Oszako T. Fungi colonising oak seedlings (Quercus robur L.) in forest plantations in north-eastern Poland
- Woreta D. Reduction of population numbers of Melolontha spp. Adults – a review of methods
- Hänzi M., Cochard B., Chablais R., Crovadore J., Lefort F. First report of Geosmithia langdonii and Geosmithia spp. isolated from a decaying elm (Ulmus minor) in Geneva, Switzerland
- Lyubenova A., Nowakowska J., Sikora K., Kostov K., Borys M., Slavov S., Oszako T. Pathogenicity of Phytophthora isolates originating from several woody hosts in Bulgaria and Poland
- Janeczko E., Jakubisová M., Woźnicka M., Fialova J., Kotásková P. Preferences of people with disabilities on wheelchairs in relation to forest trails for recreational in selected European countries
- Tkaczyk M., Sikora K., Nowakowska J., Aniśko E., Oszako T., Belbahri L., Milenković I. Four different Phytophthora species that are able to infect Scots pine seedlings in laboratory conditions
- ., ., ., . Phytophthora quercina infections in elevated CO2 concentrations
- Prokocka A., Skrzecz I., Sowińska A., Wolski R., Janiszewski W. Insecticidal activity of alpha-cypermethrin against small banded pine weevil Pissodes castaneus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in forest plantations and thickets
- Danielewicz W., Piotr Kiciński P., Wiatrowska B. Symptoms of the naturalisation of the Turkey oak (Quercus cerris L.) in Polish forests
- Kaliszewski A., Młynarski W., Gołos P. Prospects for agricultural lands afforestation in Poland until 2020
- Keča N., Koufakis I., Jana D., Nowakowska J., Oszako T. European oak decline phenomenon in relation to climatic changes
- Grygoruk D. Open access to research data in the data warehouse of the Forest Research Institute
- Moliński W., Mania P., Tomczuk G. The usefulness of different wood species for bow manufacturing
- Płotkowski L., Zając S., Wysocka-Fijorek E., Gruchała A., Piekutin J., Parzych S. Economic optimization of the rotation age of stands
- Alegria C., Canavarro Teixeira M. An overview of maritime pine private non-industrial forest in the centre of Portugal: A 19-year case study
- Skrzecz I., Popowska-Nowak E., Wolski R., Sowińska A., Jabłoński T., Pezowicz E., Tumialis D., Przewłoka I. The role of fungus Beauveria bassiana in reducing the number of Pissodes castaneus (Col., Curculionidae) in young forests
- Grygoruk D. Root biomass of Fagus sylvatica L. stands depending on the climatic conditions
- Ukalski K., Klisz M. Application of GGE biplot graphs in multi-environment trials on selection of forest trees
- Tyburski Ł., Przybylski P. Health condition of the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) in Kampinos National Park – preliminary studies
- Oszako T., Sikora K., Belbahri L., Nowakowska J. Molecular detection of oomycetes species in water courses
- Głowacka B., Bystrowski C. Efficacy of Mospilan 20 SP and Trebon 30 EC in the protection of Scots pine Pinus silvestris L. against the common pine sawfly Diprion pini L.
- Bogdanowicz M., Śliwińska-Wyrzychowska A., Świercz ., Kiedrzyński M. The dynamics of stiff clubmoss Lycopodium annotinum L. patches in clumps of trees left on the clear-cutting in pine forest Leucobryo-Pinetum
- Durło G., Małek S., Socha J. Extreme precipitation events in the Forest Promotion Complex of Silesian Beskid
- Pietrzykowski M., Krzaklewski W., Likus J., Woś B. Assessment of english oak (Quercus robur L.) growth in varied soil-substrate conditions of reclaimed Piaseczno sulfur mine dump
- Woreta D. Control of cockchafer Melolontha spp. Grubs – a review of methods
- Falencka-Jabłońska M., Sułkowska M. Forests in industrial regions and the reclamation process of environment
- Bičárová S., Bilčík D., Nejedlík P., Janík R., Kellerová D. Changes in the surface ozone after the windstorm in 2004, in the High Tatras
- Januszek K., Błońska E., Wanic T., Małek S. Phosphatase activities of spruce stand soils after serpentinite fertilisation in combination with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilisers
- Janeczko E., Gucma M. The evaluation of the tourist capacity in the Roztoczański National Park
- Koranteng A., Zawila-Niedzwiecki T. Modelling forest loss and other land use change dynamics in Ashanti Region of Ghana
- Przybylski P., Matras J., Sułkowska M. Genetic variability of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in maternal regions of provenance
- Borecki T., Brzeziecki B., Stępień E., Wójcik R. Development of forest inventory methods in multifunctional forest management
- Kořenková L., Urík M. Basic soil properties as a factor controlling the occurrence and intensity of water repellency in rankers of the White Carpathians
- Czapski P., Kacprzak M., Kotlarz ., Mrowiec K., Kubiak K., Tkaczyk M. Preliminary analysis of the forest health state based on multispectral images acquired by Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
- Bou J., Caritat A., Vilar L. Litterfall and growth dynamics relationship with the meteorological variability in three forests in the Montseny natural park
- Dyderski M., Gdula A., Jagodziński A. Encroachment of woody species on a drained transitional peat bog in ‘Mszar Bogdaniec’ nature reserve (Western Poland)
- Grilli G., Garegnani G., Poljanec A., Ficko A., Vettorato D., Isabella De Meo I., Paletto A. Stakeholder analysis in the biomass energy development based on the experts’ opinions: the example of Triglav National Park in Slovenia
- Warchałowski M., Nowakowski P., Dancewicz A. Effect of winter conditions on wild ungulates mortality in the Owl Mountains (Poland)
- Oszako T., Nowakowska J. Climate change and food security: challenges for plant health, plant breeding and genetic resources
- Tkaczyk M., Nowakowska J., Oszako T. Plant bio-stimulator fertilizers can be applied in integrated plant management (IPM) in forest nurseries
- Sierpińska A., Popowska-Nowak E., Bednarek A. Beauveria brongniartii Sacc. (Petch) against Melolontha spp. white grubs in forest nurseries with different soil pH
- Nataly N. Koshurnikova N., Verkhovets S., Antamoshkina O., Trofimova N., Zlenko L., Zhuikov A., Garmash A. Structure of the organic matter pool in Pinus sibirica dominated forests of Central Siberia
- Siwiński J., Kubiak K., Tkaczyk M., Mazur A., Rekucki R. The impact of the health condition of oaks from the Krotoszyn Plateau on the mechanical properties of timber structures
- Janyszek S., Strzeliński P., Janyszek M., Wrońska-Pilarek D. The amount of carbon in the undergrowth biomass of main types of forests stands in Poland
- Bijak S., Sarzyński J. Accuracy of smartphone applications in the field measurements of tree height
- Pourbabaei H., Adel M. Plant ecological groups and soil properties of common hazel (Corylus avellana L.) stand in Safagashteh forest, north of Iran
- Klamerus-Iwan A., Sporysz M. Laboratory determination of potential interception of young deciduous trees during low-intense precipitation
- Małek S., Barszcz J., Majsterkiewicz K. Sylvicultural procedures in catchment areas of the mountain streams as exemplified by the Skrzyczne massif in Poland
- Błońska E., Lasota J. Biological and biochemical properties in evaluation of forest soil quality
- Barroso Lopes D., Mai . Mechano-sorptive creep of Portuguese pinewood chemically modified
- Kruk H., Kornatowska B. Sustainable forest management in Poland – theory and practice
- Nikolaeva M., Kh. Faizulin D., Potokin A., Jamaleev O. Comparative evaluation of preservation and growth of spruce climatypes based on long-term provenance trials in Russia
- Kaliszewski A., Gołos P. Predictions on availability and possibilities of the use of wood for energy purposes in Europe and in Poland
- Grodzki W., Starzyk J., Kosibowicz M. Variability of selected traits of Ips typographus (L.) (Col.: Scolytinae) populations in Beskid Żywiecki (Western Carpathians, Poland) region affected by bark beetle outbreak
- Petráš R., Bošeľa M., Mecko J., Oszlányi J., Popa I. Height-diameter models for mixed-species forests consisting of spruce, fir, and beech
- Brach M., Górski D. Application of network analysis for development and promotion of sustainable tourism in public forests
- Nowakowska J., Sułkowska M., Oszako T. Environmental risk assessment of Genetically Modified Plants (GMO) – challenges and approaches
- Fornal-Pieniak B., Ollik M., Zaraś-Januszkiewicz E., Żarska B. Diversity of ancient woody species in urban forests
- Heydari M., Poorbabaei H., Bazgir M., Salehi A., Eshaghirad J. Earthworms as indicators for different forest management types and human disturbance in Ilam oak forest, Iran
- Skrzecz I., Sowińska A., Janiszewski W. Effects of botanical antifeedants on Melolontha melolontha grub feeding on Scots pine roots
- Małek S., Krakowian K., Jasik M., Dudek K., Bátor M. Effect of deforestation on stream and spring water chemistry in Malinowski and Czyrna catchments in Beskid Alaski Mts.
- Tkaczyk M., Sikora K., Nowakowska J., Kubiak K., Oszako T. Effect of CO2 enhancement on beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) seedling root rot due to Phytophthora plurivora and Phytophthora cactorum
- Nowakowska J., Tereba A., Oszako T. Determining invasiveness and risk of dothistroma needle blight
- Skrzecz I. Participation of the Forest Research Institute, Poland in EU – Project – BIOCOMES – New biological control products for sustainable farming and forestry
- Sendi M., Navroodi I., Poorbabaei H., Milan M., Bakhshandeh B. Determination of lime tree (Tilia begonifolia Stev.) stems form based on quantitative parameters (Study area: Shafaroud forests of Guilan province, Iran)
- Gdula A., Dyderski M., Jagodziński A. Habitat preferences of royal fern Osmunda regalis L. in the ‘Baszków’ nature reserve
- Zawieja B., Kaźmierczak K. Longitudinal analysis of annual height increment differentiation in Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) stands of different age classes
- Zając S., Kaliszewski A., Młynarski W. Forests and forestry in Poland and other EU countries
- Błuszkowska U., Nurek T. Effect of mechanization level on manpower needs in forestry
- Rowiński R. Aerial treatments in forest protection – research methodology
- Pâques L., Kowalczyk J., Rzońca M., Guziejko A., Wojda T., Sułkowska M. Designing Trees for the Future
- Holuša J., Grodzki W., Lukašová K., Lubojacký J. Pheromone trapping of the double-spined bark beetle Ips duplicatus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae, Scolytinae): seasonal variation in abundance
- Sabor J., Kempf M., Masternak K. Genetic structure of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] provenances tested in IPTNS-IUFRO 1964/68 experiment in Krynica
- Błońska E., Januszek K. Usability of enzyme activity in estimation of forest soil quality
- Jasik M., Małek S. Quality assessment of spring water from the area of the Łysogóry Mts. in Świętokrzyski National Park in 2010
- Mataji A., Daliri H., Babaie S., Jafari S., Roshan S. Flora diversity in burned forest areas in Dehdez, Iran
- Nowakowska J. Increasing Sustainability of European Forests: Modelling for Security Against Invasive Pests and Pathogens under Climate Change
- Sułkowska M. „Verification concepts of the presence of main forest-forming tree species ranges in Poland” – scientific seminar in Forest Research Institute
- Ballian D. Genetic overload of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) from five populations from central Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Bucha T., Slávik M. Improved methods of classification of multispectral aerial photographs: evaluation of floodplain forests in the inundation area of the Danube
- Tyszka J., Stolarek A. Changes in runoff as an indicative measure of water retention status in the Białowieża Primeval Forest
- Mazur A., Kuźmiński R. Phenology of development and population characteristics of the small spruce bark beetle Ips amitinus (Eichh.) in the Karkonoski National Park
- Zakrzewski J., Leosz K., Jędrzejuk A. Growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) on forest and former agricultural lands in Krynki Forest District
- Ponomarev E. Radiative power of wildfires in Siberia on the basis of TERRA/Modis imagery processing
- Woźnicka M., Janeczko E., Moskalik T. Analysis of adaptation of selected forest recreational facilities to requirements of potential users
- Barroso Lopes D., Mai ., Militz H. Bending creep of Maritime pine wood (Pinus pinaster Ait.) chemically modified
- Fornal-Pieniak B., Ollik M. Diversity of flora in the undergrowth of park afforestations, rural plantings and oak-hornbeam forests
- Daryayi M., Adel M., Pashaki M., Kuhestani J. Effect of repeated fire on understory plant species diversity in Saravan forests, northern Iran
- Grodzki W., Ambroży S., Gil W. The growth and biodiversity of spruce stands in variable climate conditions – Radziejowa case study
- Trzciński G., Sieniawski W., Moskalik T. Effects of Timber Loads on Gross Vehicle Weight
- Nowicka A., Ukalska J., Simińska J., Szyp-Borowska I. Characterization and mapping of QTL used in breeding of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.)
- Chomicz E. Incidence of butt rot in Norway spruce seed stands in Poland’s mountain regions assessed with sonic tomography
- Kałucka I., Jagodziński A., Skorupski M., Kasprowicz M., Wojterska M., Dobies T., Sławska M., Wierzbicka A., Łabędzki A., Nowiński M., Małek S., Banaszczak P., Karolewski P., Oleksyn J. Biodiversity of Balcan pine (Pinus peuce Griseb.) experimental stands in the Rogów Arboretum (Poland)
- Tkaczyk M., Gul P., Olejarski I., Oszako T. Possibility of using organic fertilization to grow pine plantations on former agricultural lands
- Podong C., Poolsiri R., Katzensteiner K., Pengthamkeerati P., Thongdeenok P. Species diversity and litter dynamics in secondary mixed deciduous forest, Thung Salaeng Lung National Park, Northern, Thailand
- Ambroży S., Kosibowicz M. Damage to regeneration in the area after large-scale decline of Norway spruce Picea abies (L.) H. Karst. stands in the mountains
- Kooch Y., Hosseini S., Mohammadi J., Hojjati S. Determination of the best canopy gap area on the basis of soil characteristics using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)
- Vitas A., Oszako T., Nowakowska J., Sikora K., Stankevičienė A. First records of Phytophthora spp. based on DNA analysis in Lithuania
- Storch S. Divergence of nature myths and social relations: Polish state foresters between hierarchical and egalitarian contexts
- Sukovata L., Kolk A., Jaworski T., Plewa R. The risk of pine wilt disease in Poland
- Sułkowska M., Gömöry D., Paule L. Genetic diversity of European beech in Poland estimated onthe basis of isoenzyme analyses
- Tarwacki G., Bystrowski C., Celmer-Warda K. Effect of sun-exposure of the horse chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum L.) on the occurrence and number ofparasitoids of the horse chestnut leafminer (Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic) in central Poland in 2004–2006
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