Current status of International Beech Provenance Trial in Ukraine (Bu19_19) from the 1993/95 series started by Institute of Forest Genetics, Großhansdorf


  • Vasyl Mohytych Forest Research Institute, Department of Silviculture and Genetics of Forest Trees,
    Sękocin Stary, Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  • Andrii Ivaniuk National Forestry University of Ukraine, Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening,
    Gen. Chuprynky 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Mykola Lisovyi National Forestry University of Ukraine, Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening,
    Gen. Chuprynky 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Oleh Danchuk National Forestry University of Ukraine, Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening,
    Gen. Chuprynky 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Ivan Delehan National Forestry University of Ukraine, Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening,
    Gen. Chuprynky 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Oleksii Holubchak Ukrainian Mountain Forestry Research Institute named after P.S. Pasternak,
    Mykhaila Hrushevskoho 31, 760018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • Oleh Hnatiuk Ukrainian Mountain Forestry Research Institute named after P.S. Pasternak,
    Mykhaila Hrushevskoho 31, 760018 Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
  • Małgorzata Sułkowska Forest Research Institute, Department of Silviculture and Genetics of Forest Trees
    Sękocin Stary, Braci Leśnej 3, 05-090 Raszyn, Poland
  • Bohdan Zaitsev National Forestry University of Ukraine, Educational and Research Institute of Forestry and Park Gardening,
    Gen. Chuprynky 103, 79057 Lviv, Ukraine
  • Mirko Liesebach Thuenen Institute of Forest Genetics,
    Sieker Landstraße 2, 22927 Großhansdorf, Germany


The European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) is one of the most important tree species in Europe. In order to understand the breeding and biological aspects of the species, the Institute of Forest Genetics and Forest Tree Breeding (Großhansdorf, Germany) has carried out several series of provenance trials in collaboration with researchers throughout Europe. The most extensive series was the International Beech Provenance Trial 1993/95 (established in 1995). One of the provenance trials, Bu19_19 (Roztochja), involving 70 provenances from 10 European countries, was established in Ukraine at the north-eastern edge of the species’ natural range. We investigated survival and DBH at this site in May 2023. The average survival rate was 38% (57 trees per provenance), while the number of surviving trees per provenance ranged from 37 to 76. The average DBH was 11.2 centimeters, with the DBH of some individual trees exceeding 30 centimeters. The Bu19_19 provenance trial remains a valuable resource for studying the performance of European beech populations and can provide important insights into their resilience and adaptation.

DOI 10.2478/ffp-2024-0019
Source Folia Forestalia Polonica, Series A – Forestry, 2024, Vol. 66 (3), 261–269
Print ISSN 0071-6677
Online ISSN
Type of article
short communication
Original title
Current status of International Beech Provenance Trial in Ukraine (Bu19_19) from the 1993/95 series started by Institute of Forest Genetics, Großhansdorf
Publisher © 2024 Author(s). This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (
Date 02/09/2024


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