Dynamika luk w drzewostanach mieszanych rezerwatu Jata

Gap dynamics in mixed stands of Jata reserve


  • Dorota Dobrowolska Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Ekologii Lasu, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn


The study was conducted in Jata reserve’s mixed stands composed of silver fir, Scots pine, Norway spruce and many different broadleaved tree species. The aim of the study was to reconstruct the gaps history and to predict their future. All gaps on the transects were sampled and their ‘makers’ were measured in. Gaps mode, species, d.b.h and decay class were determined. To know the gaps future, potential successors were defined. It was found that main tree species creating gaps had been fir and that their size influenced the number of dead firs inside. Predominant gapmakers were broken trees. The main factor of gap creating was western winds. Hornbeam, sycamore and silver fir were potential successors.

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