Klasyfikacja roślinności zrębowej lasów iglastych północno-wschodniej części obwodu nowogrodzkiego

Classification of clearcut´s vegetation in coniferous forests of North-Western Novgorod region


  • Anna N. Demidova 119234 Rossija, g. Moskva, GSP-2, Leninskie gory, Moskovskij Gosudarstvennyj Universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, Biologičeskij fakultet, kaf. geobotaniki


Investigations were carried out in Novgorod region. Disturbed ecosystems on the example of cuttings of pine and spruce forests were investigated on 95 sample plots. The quadrats ranged in size from 100 to 300 m2 and in ages from 3 to 7 years. The data were analysed by cluster and detrendent correspondence analysis (DCA) to evaluate the degree of heterogeneity. First classification of clearcuts vegetation on dominant base is more detailed (16 types) then classification units obtained by mathematical methods (7 types). This study demonstrated some differences between two approaches for distinguishing the classification units of vegetation in forest ecology.

Clearcut´s vegetation was analysed as a complex of phytocoenoses. Extremal ecological habitats determined formation of one exact clearcut´s phytocoenose type. Diversity of types was higher in middle ecological habitats in different forest types.

First classification obtained 16 types of phytocoenoses based on dominant species. Second classification obtained 7 types of phytocoenoses based on the results of cluster analysis and detrendente correspondence analysis (DCA). They could be combined in 5 groups: bog, swamp, woodland, dried mesotrophic and meadows.

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