Martwe drewno w lesie: ocena zapasu i propozycje postępowania

Down dead wood in the forest: quantification and proposals for handling


  • Jacek Wolski Instytut Geografii i Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania PAN, Zakład Geoekologii, 00–818 Warszawa, ul. Twarda 51/55, e-mail:


Measurements of down dead wood volume were conducted on six experimental plots in uneven-aged, managed forests in three Forest Promotion Areas (Bory Lubuskie, Bory Tucholskie, Puszcza Białowieska). Brown’s planar intersect method, modified by author of this article, was used in field work.

Analysis of results indicated relationships between stands life-cycle and dead wood volume (m3/ha), number of pieces in diameter classes as well as forest floor area occupied by woody debris (m2/ha). The largest volume was observed in young and old-growth forests sites, the smallest in mature forests (80–100 years old). Additionally main causes of diversity of down wood quantity in forests in different physico-geographical regions were analyzed.

In conclusion attention was paid on necessity of: (a) beginning of measurements of woody debris in Polish forests to determine real supplies diagnosis, (b) undertaking of multiaspectual researches connected with ecological role of dead wood in forest ecosystems, (c) elaborating of new strategy for woody debris management. Concrete actions related to economic practices existing in forest were proposed.

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