Możliwość wykorzystania roślinności do weryfikacji typów siedlisk zajmowanych przez świerczyny w Beskidzie Śląskim

Vegetation use opportunity to verify sites types covered by spruce stands in Beskid Śląski Mountains


  • Sławomir Ambroży Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Górskich, ul. Fredry 39, 30-605 Kraków
    Tel. +48 12 2528208, e-mail:


Surveys have shown possibility to identify diversification of forest sites fertility which are covered by spruce stands in Beskid Śląski Mountains, on the basis of differential species of plants, and quantitative and qualitative ratio analysis by means of systematic value of characteristic species groups for Querco-Fagatea and Vaccinio-Piceetea classes and ecological indicative numbers for vascular plants (indicators of trophic and acidity of soil upper-layers). In spite of apparent unification of ground cover vegetation, the specific species combination allow to distinguish in analyzed spruce stands, four dynamic vegetation communities circles and each of them covers area homogenous or equivalent in respect of site. There are three dynamic vegetation communities circles in a lower montane zone covered with mountain forest, mixed mountain forest and mixed mountain coniferous forest sites and one vegetation communities circles in upper montane zone on high-mountain coniferous forest site. Specific species combination distinguish dynamic vegetation communities circles and in the same time related forest associations which are respectively: in lower montane zone, association of fertile beech Carpathian forest Dentario glandulosae-Fagetum (or community of fir eutrophic forest Abies alba-Oxalis acetosella), association of acidophilus beech mountain forest Luzulo luzuloidis-Fagetum and lower montane zone fir-spruce mixed coniferous forest Abieti-Piceetum, while in upper montane zone there is association of Carpathian subalpin spruce forest Plagiothecio-Piceetum.

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