Ocena zanieczyszczenia środowiska emisjami dymowymi z pożarów lasu na podstawie danych satelitarnych

Evaluation of environmental pollution by smoke emmissions from forest fires with satellite data use


  • Natalja V. Trofimova Institut Lesa im. V. N. Sukačeva, Syberyjski Otdel Rosyjskoj Akademii Nauk, Rossija, 660036 Krasnojarsk, Akademgorodok, trofimova_nv@mail.ru
  • Anatol' I. Suchinin Institut Lesa im. V. N. Sukačeva, Syberyjski Otdel Rosyjskoj Akademii Nauk, Rossija, 660036 Krasnojarsk, Akademgorodok


Quantity of gase thrown into athmosphere was calculated on the area of burned forests and non-forest land, quantity of biomass and burn degree. The burned area was determined using data of TERRA satellite. In 2003, as consequence of large-area forest and non-forest fires, in Zabaykalye 108,3 million tons of gases and aerosols, including 97,7 million tons CO2 and 9,6 milion ton CO, passed into athmosphere.

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