Problem ochrony ekosystemów leśnych a gradacje kornika drukarza – wprowadzenie

The Problem of forest ecosystem protection and outbreaks of Ips typographus – an introduction


  • Jerzy M. Gutowski Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Naturalnych, ul. Park Dyrekcyjny 6, 17-230 Białowieża;
    Tel. 48 85 6812396, e-mail:


The article introduces the series of papers resulting from inter-disciplinary research project (14 authors and 17 distinguished tasks) on the Ips typographus (L.) gradation phenomena in the protected forests and in their merge with the managed ones. The study goals were presented among which two major were emphasized: 1 – to better know the Ips typographus role in the forest ecosystem and 2 – to found out whether the neighborhood of protected forests influence the health status of managed forests. The short literature review of Ips typographus was enclosed, mostly dealing with aspects of outbreaks in the national parks and nature reserves. The conclusion was also made that bark beetles gradations on the protected areas as the natural element of the forest ecosystem should not be controlled in most cases.

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