Program WinCELL – narzędzie do analizy preparatów mikroskopowych komórek drewna

WinCELL – an image analysis tool for wood cell measurements


  • Marcin Klisz Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Hodowli Lasu i Genetyki Drzew Leśnych, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn;
    Tel. +48 22 7150352, fax +48 22 7200397, e-mail:


WinCELL is an image analysis system which make possible measuring the radial cells size, distribution and their proportion to walls. Wood cell dimensions can be measured on microtomed samples or, for larger cells, directly on wood surfaces. WinCELL can analyse images acquired with digital cameras or from optical scanners. Cell morphology can be done by different methods: automatically, semi-automatically or manually (interactively). Lumen area is measured automatically based on the number of pixels contained within cells. Wall area is measured by counting the area of pixels classified as walls in the analysed region. Tracheid length and width are available as maximum length and width or as longitudinal and radial diameters. The morphological measurements can be computed automatically on all cells present in the analysed region or on selected cells via interactive measurements. The interactive measurement mode has four settings. Completely manual mode can be used to measure a cell length or fibre length. Another manual mode allows to measure a cell length and width along the path. Two semi-automatic measurement modes allow to measure cells length and their two adjacent walls thickness. With semi-automatic measurement mode – tought??/centre paths method, it is possible to detect the earlywood – latewood boundary. Measurement data are available interactively during the analysis in the cell distribution histogram. WinCELL image analysis system is an alternative to wood density analysis with x-rays – WinDENDRO.

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