Wpływ deszczowania siewek Pinus sylvestris L. na zmiany w zbiorowisku grzybów mikoryzowych i glebowych

Influence of watering of Pinus sylvestris L. seedlings on mycorrhizal and soil fungi


  • Dorota Hilszczańska Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Ekologii Lasu, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn
    Tel. +48 22 7150502, fax +48 22 227150504, e-mail: d.hilszczanska@ibles.waw.pl


Mycorrhizal development is influenced by various soil environmental factors, e.g. moisture, type of soil and temperature. These same conditions affect community of soil fungi. The aim of the study was to estimate changes of communities of Scot pine ectomycorrhizas and soil fungi after nurseries’ watering. The experiment was performed in a bare root nursery on: weakly loam sand and the same soil + litter (pine and spruce needles; v:v). Seedlings were watered from April to August, seedlings of the control treatment were not watered, receiving natural precipitation only. All plants from the two treatments were subjected to the same atmospheric conditions. Measurement of water contents of soil was carried out with time-domain reflectometry (TDR) equipment. After 5 months of vegetations the root systems of the seedlings were studied basing on morphological features. Identification of mycorrhizal symbionts was done also by using PCR RFLP method. In mycorrhizal colonization of roots 5 species took part. Positive correlation between increasing soil moisture and number of mycorrhizas was noticed. Higher percentage of soil fungi, e.g. from genus Penicillium and Fusarium was in non-watered soils. The percentage of fungi from genus Mucor and Trichoderma was higher on watered soils.

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