Występowanie zgnilizny odziomkowej w wybranych drzewostanach świerkowych Karpat Zachodnich

Occurrence of butt rot in selected spruce stands in the Western Carpathians


  • Elżbieta Chomicz E. Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Gospodarki Leśnej Regionów Górskich, Fredry 39, 30–605 Kraków, Fax 00 48 122528211
    e-mail: E.Chomicz@ibles.waw.pl
  • Stanisław Niemtur Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Lasów Górskich, ul. Fredry 39, 30-605 Kraków


Occurrence and extent of butt rot in 5 selected spruce stands in the Western Carpathians was assessed. In each stand 30-tree sample (60-tree sample in 2 stands) was diagnosed with aid of Picus Sonic Tomograph, found as credible instrument for quantification of decay. The proportion of trees with butt rot ranged from 27 to 90% and hinged on stand age and elevation. The highest level of damage caused by wood decaying fungi occurred in the oldest stands in Wisła Forest District; the difference was statistically significant. This indicated that silviculture principles, especially felling age, for being in rot danger stands should be improved in order to avoid serious economic losses and tree stability impairment.

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