Zbrodnia Pomorska 1939 roku w leśnych krajobrazach – problemy ochrony pamięci historycznej i zagospodarowania lasu

The Pomeranian Crime of 1939 in forest landscapes – problems of protecting historical memory and forest management



The objective of this study was to assess the cultural heritage value of 85 forest memorial landscapes of the Pomeranian Crime of 1939. To achieve this, we aimed to (1) locate the execution sites and graves of the victims of this crime in the forest areas managed by the Pomeranian and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Regional Directorates of the State Forest Administration (pl. Lasy Państwowe) in northern Poland and (2) determine the degree of cultural heritage protection in these areas and the impact of forest management on the value of this heritage. Our study is based on the cartographic resources of the Bureau of Forest Management and Geodesy and the National Heritage Institute (Poland). The value of cultural heritage was determined using a cultural heritage valuation form. Our results show that all inventoried sites have a unique historical, social and symbolic value. About 60% of the sites were not included in the register of cemeteries and war graves and are not protected by any of the legal forms of cultural heritage protection. The inclusion of a site in a form of cultural heritage protection proved to be insignificant for the preservation of the cultural heritage of the site. The possibility of preserving this value in forest landscapes exists in both protective and special forests as well as in commercial forests, regardless of the general management practise in a given forest area, although studies have shown that non-standard management activities contribute to their aesthetic value. The most important factor in protecting the cultural heritage of forest memorial areas has proven to be the involvement of various state and local government institutions as well as schools, voluntary organisations and museums – both in the process of commemorating the Pomeranian Crime of 1939 and its victims and in activities aimed at preserving the material values of the associated sites.

DOI 10.48538/lpb-2024-0012
Source Leśne Prace Badawcze / Forest Research Papers, 2024, Vol. 84: 121–129
Print ISSN
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Type of article
Original article
Original title
Zbrodnia Pomorska 1939 roku w leśnych krajobrazach – problemy ochrony pamięci historycznej i zagospodarowania lasu
Publisher © 2024 Author(s). This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/)
Date December, 2024

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