Zmiany roślinności na zmeliorowanym torfowisku leśnym Wilcze Bagno w Puszczy Augustowskiej w latach 1972–1999

Vegetation changes on drained forest peatland Wilcze Bagno in Augustowska Primeval Forest in 1972–1999


  • Tadeusz Chojnacki Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Państwowych w Białymstoku, ul. Lipowa 51, 15-950 Białystok


Drainage of forest peatland caused changes in vegetation cover. Increase in number of plant species, changes in characteristic composition of species and systematics appeared in plant communities. Vegetation changes had a clear directional character and were correlated with changes, that occurred on boggy habitats of peatland. Existing changes were classified in two groups: essential and inessential changes. Essential changes occurred in Ledo-Sphagnetum magellanici, Thelypteri-Betuleum typicum and Sphagno-Piceetum thelypteridetosum. Inessential changes appeared in Carici chordorrhizae-Pinetum typicum and Betulo pubescentis-Piceetum.

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