Zróżnicowanie gęstości drewna populacji świerka na powierzchni doświadczalnej w Knyszynie w relacji do zróżnicowania populacji matecznych

Variability of wood specific gravity among Norway spruce populations and the heritability of this feature for populations from the Knyszyn experimental plot


  • Jan Matras Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Hodowli Lasu i Genetyki Drzew Leśnych, ul. Braci Leśnej 3, Sękocin Stary, 05-090 Raszyn;


In the paper the results are presented of the investigation devoted to the variability of Norway spruce wood properties of mother populations and their progenies. The traditional method of wood density determination was applied as well as the pilodin measurements. The results of the study have indicated a significant variability of wood densities among both mother and progeny populations. Especially big differences were noted between North-Eastern and Southern sub-ranges of Norway spruce occurrence in Poland. Mountain populations were characterized in most cases by the lower wood specific gravity. Heritability of pilodin penetration depth was high – equal to 0,8549.

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