The Journal welcome authors to publish original article, notes, reviews and communications. The language of publication is English and manuscripts from any region of the world are welcome. Papers are selected for publication on the base of their significance of new knowledge or ideas presented. Manuscripts approved for publication should be precise and efficiently written and not to be submitted for publication elsewhere before.
Each manuscript is sent to at least 2 referees. One is the member of editorial board and he can select the second one (external reviewer) on the base of his knowledge and experience. For critical review the Editor may send the accepted manuscript to qualified reviewers to correct errors in phraseology. The review process is expected to be completed within ten weeks. The refereeing process can provide the quality and international interest of the manuscripts accepted for publication. Some papers are reject or advised to publish in other more specialised Journals if they were not shown any implications or linkage to forest science. In case of negative opinion of the Editor (e.g. the manuscript does not feet the quality requirements or the instructions to authors) the paper might be returned to the author without the referee process. Please follow precisely the Notes for Authors to avoid the rejection before the evaluation.
Please submit the manuscripts by e-mail and the corresponding author is asking to provide (as an attachment):
- Cover letter, click here
- Ghostwriting barrier declaration, click here
- Microsoft Word files containing text, figures, tables or photographs (GIF/TIF/JPG)
For revisions, the corresponding author will be informed by e-mail and asked to submit a revision.
All correspondence should be addressed to:
Forest Research Institute
Sękocin Stary, Braci Leśnej 3
05-090 Raszyn, Poland
Tel. +48 22 7150461, +48 22 7150541
Fax. +48 22 7150553
Types of contribution
- ORIGINAL ARTICLES with the results of original research.
- REVIEW ARTICLES covering a subject of active current interest. Reviews may be submitted or invited.
- METHODOLOGICAL ARTICLES with new methodological developments of wide significance to forestry.
- SHORT COMMUNICATIONS with completed description of limited studies.
- COMMENTARIES with comments on published papers, books, international conferences, scientific meetings and projects.
Manuscripts should be written in English, in Word-processing format and attached as a separate file. To avoid unnecessary errors please use the „spell check” or „grammar check” functions of your Word-processor.
The text of Original, Review and Methodological Articles is limited to 20 pages of text, excluding tables, figures and photograph. Commentaries should be no longer than 2,000 words. All sections of the manuscripts should be 1,5 line-spacing on A4 (212 x 297 mm) paper with 2,5 cm margins. Use the normal, plain and font size 12 of Times New Roman for the text. All pages must be numbered consecutively. Scientific names of the genus and species should be in italic script. Give the full common and Latin name of each species of animal or plant, together with the authority for the name, at first mention in the main text, and in the title, and abstract. Units must be presented according to the International System of Units (SI). Math formulae should be presented in simple way. In principle, variable should be written in italics. Please number consecutively any equations and provide them in editable format. The preferred position of tables and figures should be indicated in the margin of the main text. Footnotes should be not used.
Please arrange your manuscript for Original and Methodological Articles as follows (Review Articles and Commentaries may have a more flexible format):
Title page
Include a short and informative title. Please present information concerning full name and all affiliation(s) of the author(s), and e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers to clearly indicate corresponding author. Words such as „study”, „work” and „investigation” should be avoided in the title. Please avoid abbreviations and formulae. It should be taken into account alerting and informative meaning of the title to be recognise by different alerting and information services. The editorial board may suggest to change the title to make it more informative.
All papers, except Commentaries, should be preceded by an abstract including purpose of the article, basic information on the applied methods, main results and conclusions. The abstract must not exceed 300 words. The abstract is very crucial point of the paper because contemporary alerting services and search engines will utilise this text. The aim of abstract is to present the paper content accurately, not duplicate the title especially. References should be avoid as well as non-standard or uncommon abbreviations. The editorial board may suggest to change the abstract to make it more informative.
Key words
Four-seven key words in alphabetical order should be provided and placed below the abstract, avoid the words like „and”, „of” are.
The context for the study, the aim and the hypotheses being tested. Restrict the cited literature and other background information to the needed to define the research problem or showing the work in historical perspective. Please avoid a summary of the results. An introduction generally need not exceeded 500 words.
Material and Methods
To clarify the text, sub-headings may be used. Geographical location with coordinates, sources of biological material, research including statistical methods should be described. It is kindly appreciated to point a source of available laboratory and field equipment, which should mentioned in parentheses. Methods, which have been already published should be indicated by a reference and only important modifications should be explained.
Statistical methods should be described in a separate paragraph. In the case of the use of the quantitative and/or qualitative variables it is indicated to provide an experimental model. Information on the used software should be specified at the end of the paragraph.
Results should be clear and concise, and must answer to the questions stated in the aim of study. Results of statistical analysis should always be presented in full with F values, degrees of freedom and P values. Simple measurements of variability (e.g. standard error, standard deviation, confidence limits) should always accompanied means.
Discussion should explain the significance of the research results, not to repeat them. Avoid long discussion of published literature.
The main conclusions of the study may be present here. It should be clear and concise.
Acknowledgements and any information concerning research grants, etc. (if applicable)
Please place acknowledgement before the references and do not include them on the title page, as a footnote to the title for example. List here those individuals who providing help during the research – e.g. language help or writing assistance.
References at the end of the paper should be listed in alphabetical order according to Harvard Referencing System by the first author’s surname and chronologically per author. Publications by the same author(s) in the same year should be listed as 2018a, 2018b. Use the following system for arranging your references:
One-five authors of paper/book/chapter/proceedings:
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2018. etc.
Above five authors (optionally):
Kowalski, I.B. et al. 2018. etc.
Name(s), initial(s) of authors, year, title, full journal title in italics, volume number, first and last page numbers. DOI: ….. (if available)
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles. Folia Forestalia Polonica, 50 (1), 1-10. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Single contribution in a book:
Name(s), initial(s) of authors, year, title of article, title of book, editor(s), publisher, place of publication, volume number, page numbers. DOI: ….. (if available).
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles. In: Notes for authors (ed./eds. A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones). Publisher name, Warsaw, Poland, 1-10. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Name(s), initial(s) of authors, year, title, publisher, place of publication. DOI: ….. (if available).Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Notes for authors. Publisher name, Warsaw, Poland. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Collective publication edited by:
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. (ed./eds.) 2011. Notes for authors. Publisher name, Warsaw, Poland. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Notes for authors. Publisher name, Warsaw, Poland. Available at http://web-address/pl (access on 1 March 2011). DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Publications, reports issued by institutions, organizations, companies (no author):
Name of the causative institution, year, title, publisher, place of publication.
Statistical Office. 2018. Notes for authors. Publisher name, Warsaw, Poland.
Name(s), initial(s) of authors, year, title, In: Proceedings of Event (editors), date, city and country of event, pages. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles. In: Proceedings of Forest Research Institute Conference (ed./eds. A.B. Smith, C.D. Jones), 2-5 March 2011, Warsaw, Poland, 1-10. DOI: xxx/yyy/zzz
Kowalski, I.B. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles. Ph. D. thesis, place of publication, publisher name.
Web site citation:
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak M.K. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles. Available at http://web-address/pl (access on 1 March 2011).
References in original languages should be translated into English and information about the origin of language should be added in brackets at the end of title.
Kowalski, I.B., Nowak, M.K. 2011. Impact of careful reading of notes for authors on the quality of scientific articles (in Polish with English summary). Polskie Wydawnictwo, 50 (1), 1-10. DOI: ….. (if available).
References in the text should indicate the author’s surname with the year of publication in brackets, examples:
Single author: (Kowalski 2011)
Two authors: (Kowalski and Nowak 2011)
Three or more: (Kowalski et al. 2011)
References cited together in the text should be arranged chronologically, example:
(Kowalski 2009; Kowalski 2011a, 2011b; Kowalski and Nowak 2011; Nowak et al. 2011)
Should be numbered with Arabic numerals consecutively with their accordance in the text. and prepared as a separate file. Please do not use vertical lines in the columns of tables. All tables should be cited in the text (e.g. Tab. 1) and please ensure that each of them has a caption. Supply captions above the main body of the table. Please explain the used abbreviations. Footnotes with superscript lower-case letters (a, b, c, etc.) should be explain below the table. Indicate significance level and other statistical data with asterisks. If the tables are to be reduced in size, they must be in editable form to be readable after minimizing. Please do not duplicate the information in tables describe elsewhere in the manuscript. Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of figure caption.
We accept figures only in editable form. In the other case the manuscripts will be reject. Figures should be numbered consecutively with their accordance in the text with Arabic numerals and prepared separately at the end of manuscript. All figures (black-white) should be cited in the text (e.g. Fig. 1) and please ensure that each of them has a caption. Supply captions below the main body of the figure. Capitation must be separated, not attached to the object. Please explain the used abbreviations. Submit figures as separate JPG, TIF or GIF files. If the figures are to be reduced in size, the legend should be big enough to make them readable after minimizing. All legends and other information added to the graphs, maps, photographs and artworks must be in editable form. Please do not duplicate the information in figures describe elsewhere in the manuscript. Colour figures will be published by special agreement with the Editors. Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of figure caption.
Authors will be ask to pay additional costs if there is need to print coloured figures.
Data published in the Folia Forestalia Polonica should be original. Do not submit the parts of manuscript previously printed in other paper or monograph without acknowledgement of such republication. Data falsification or plagiarism and any other measures that would lead to false conclusions, are unethical.
In a case of people photos, the permission of pictured persons is required.
The corresponding author is asking to send „declaration of ghostwriting barrier„.
Author’s correction will be sent electronically to the address indicated as the corresponding author’s address. Please let us have all your corrections within 7 days. It is important that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication.
The full version will be available in electronic form immediately after the publication of relevant issue.